New Delhi: On Thursday, November 2, Elon Musk met with Rajeev Chandrasekhar, the Indian Union Minister. During the meeting, the Union Minister of State for Information Technology is reported to have learned from the owner of X (formerly Twitter) that his son, who is a Canadian venture capitalist named Shivon Zilis, has Chandrasekhar as his middle name. According to the exchange between Elon Musk and Rajeev Chandrasekhar, the Indian scientist Dr. S. Chandrasekhar, who won the Nobel Prize, is the source of the son’s middle name. The physicist Dr. S. Chandrasekhar, also known as Subhramanyan Chandrasekhar, was born in India and was awarded the Nobel Prize “for his theoretical studies of the physical processes of importance to the structure and evolution of stars”. The hidden children of Shivon Zilis and Elon Musk In November 2021, Elon Musk and Shivon Zilis secretly welcomed twins Azure, a daughter, and Strider, a son. During that period, Elon Musk merely tweeted, “Trying my hardest to alleviate the underpopulation issue,” without offering any additional commentary on the babies’ birth. Currently, the greatest threat to civilization is a collapsing birthrate.”Elon Musk is currently attending the AI Safety Summit in the UK. Remarkably, Musk stated in a post on X prior to the summit that “AI safety is vital to the future of civilization.” The Summit on AI Safety The AI Safety Summit is being hosted by UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in an apparent attempt to move the UK to the forefront of the discourse on artificial intelligence safety. Global leaders in technology and politics have convened at Bletchley Park for the summit. Alan Turing and other scientists cracked the Enigma code at Bletchley Park in the midst of World War II. Share this… Facebook Pinterest Twitter Linkedin Whatsapp Post navigation What to Expect: iPhone 17 to be Made in India, Prices May Rise by 25%